
Simplicity delivers certainty

We keep our designs simple to reduce embodied carbon and remove risk from operations. The use of high quality components and simple engineering increases reliability. When human factors are the highest cause of data centre outages, we take the opportunity to design out risks. Our designs create the opportunity for expansion, and the ability to incorporate customer-bespoke features where required.

Each of our facility designs is thoroughly reviewed to manage security, quality, climate, health and safety consistently, globally.

Our customers needs are central to our design process, we maximise ergonomic efficiency, customer operational workflow and welfare, as an essential part of our space planning.

Always accessible (24 Forever)

24 Forever, providing continuous ‘always on’ data centre operations, for the duration of its operating contract. Achieving ‘availability without interruption’ is a holistic process requiring climate-conscious design, careful focus on specification, tight operational process, and robust systems and controls.

It is the strengths of our people and the rich team knowledge gained across a variety of industries, and strong core processes that enables us to self-deliver the consistency and security of operation that our customers demand.

Repeatable everywhere

We standardise our designs using globally common themes and codes typically exceeding local requirements.

We minimise delivery risks by breaking the programme into a structure to compliment local skills, using our in-house construction management team, hand-picked for their international experience, to normalise delivery when working in markets where data centres are not an everyday construction task.

We design for buildability and enhance speed of delivery through commonality of equipment sourced from strategic partners. Both customers and suppliers can then readily understand and be comfortable with our design, operation and processes. In everything we do, we focus on certainty of outcome; we know what we need to do and exactly how to do it.

Controlled and secure

Our data centres employ physical, operational, and cyber security measures aligned with stringent standards. Security compliance and our commitment to robust security practices are cornerstones of our business.

We have established a robust, multi-layered approach to addressing cyber threats, including industry-leading protection and controls on our IT networks.

Access to our facilities involves navigating a series of advanced two-factor security checkpoints, vehicle anti-tailgating measures, secure airlocks, biometric readers, and round-the-clock security personnel. Our facility design and operational processes are meticulously integrated to complement each other and meet or exceed our customer’s requirements.